Making connection: Mapping Social and Creative Encounters.
Unmapping Space: Marks, Lines and Smudges. A poster for the Making Connection seminar 21st September 2023
An online seminar hosted by the Mapping Future Imaginaries Network at RMIT University, Melbourne.
I presented a poster about my work exploring sensory drawing and embodied mapping.
Unmapping is an umbrella title for a series of workshops, projects and artworks which explore the process of participatory map making as a tool to both explore and visualise subjective and felt experiences of places and spaces. The project centres around the notion of drawing as an embodied prac:ce, the visceral and tactile nature of which can be a tool to explore and capture the complex rela:onships between bodies and their experiences of the spaces they are in.
The key premise behind these projects is that the physical act of making marks on paper is considered a tool to ‘tune-in’, not only to physical or sensory experiences in the present moment (i.e., the sensation of touch and hearing environmental sound) but also to emotional aspects of how places exist in our memories and imaginations.
For a full archive of all posters presented have a look at the following link: